Inmigración, remesas y seguridad nacional en la relación México-Estados Unidos

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Pedro Isnardo De la Cruz Lugardo


The leading premise in this article is that, concerning policy, a nonviable strategy is a sign of an erroneous diagnosis of reality; which is true in relation to the policy maintained by American and Mexican governments towards the migratory phenomenon. The author establishes the absence of such a strategy is mostly sustained by the lack of will to honestly discuss the migratory problem; by the set of various interests involved in USA internal policy; and by the absence of a strategic position and a clear vision inside Mexico itself. Thus, this article explains that remittances, a source of essential income for national economy, will not have any future if they are considered as a substitute social policy of the action Mexican State must take on.

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How to Cite
De la Cruz Lugardo, P. I. (2010). Inmigración, remesas y seguridad nacional en la relación México-Estados Unidos. Trabajo Social UNAM, (19).

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