Contrasts of a model of job searches in a group of mexican ex-migrants

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Javier Carreón Guillén


Economic factors related to crisis, unemployment, migration, employment and prosperity link theoretical frameworks which explain education and social factors on which research has been done that present group dynamics as the predominant scenario for explaining the journey and stay of migrants as well as their return and the reinsertion of ex-migrants into society. A cross-sectional study was carried out between September 2012 and March 2013 in which a non-probability sample of 147 ex-migrants and a Scale of Labor Perceptions, the dependability and validity were measured. The scale contrasted six hypotheses of which five were accepted. The first hypothesis related to the prediction of job search based on capabilities ((γ =0.63), the latter was influenced by perceived demands (γ =0.42) as a second contrasting postulation. The third hypothesis was established by the incidence of the perception of frame-working on the perceived risks (γ =0.38) while both the perception and demands as well as the perceived resources were determined by the frame-working perceived by the job market (γ =0.26;(γ =0.51, respectively) in postulations five and six. Finally, the null hypothesis was accepted since the statistical values as well as the residual and adjusted indexes showed a contrast between the specified relations and the data observed [X2=3.48 (3 gl) p=0.000; GFI=0.975; RMR=0.001].

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How to Cite
Carreón Guillén, J. (2016). Contrasts of a model of job searches in a group of mexican ex-migrants. Trabajo Social UNAM, (6), 83–114.

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