La situación-problema como unidad de análisis epistémico para el Trabajo Social Contemporáneo

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Cristian Urbalejo Luna


The following work aims to present what an epistemic analysis unit is and how this concept can be relevant for the analysis of the epistemology of social work. Based on this concept, three dominant units of analysis are presented in Latin America: social needs and problems, the social question and the problem-situation. Based on this, I defend the thesis that the problem-situation is a much more adequate unit of epistemic analysis in contemporary social work, since it allows a much clearer transition from an analysis of the social to intervention in the social. Arguments and contrasts are presented between the problem-situation and the other units of epistemic analysis, in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of these proposals. It concludes with the importance of thinking in terms of units of epistemic analysis to the epistemology of social work. This allows us to have greater clarity about what are the epistemic tools and the intervention practices that are constituted from each one of them.

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How to Cite
Urbalejo Luna, C. . (2024). La situación-problema como unidad de análisis epistémico para el Trabajo Social Contemporáneo. Trabajo Social UNAM, (29-30), 13–27. (Original work published September 25, 2023)

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