Trabajo social crítico antiopresivo. Una aproximación teórica y metodológica

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Aczel Fernando Cornejo Pérez


Unlike Critical social work, the exercise of traditional social work does not always include criticism as integral part of its configuration, because it is based on state social policies and tends to institutionalization and operationalization of its actions. Criticism is what allows us to question knowledge, prior to carrying out intervention work with a population. This paper analyzes the specificity of a branch of critical social work, the anti-oppressive social work, characterized by being a tool that choose for the social well-being of the subjects and not of the State institutions. In this sense, the paper proposes a differentiation between this position and the traditional one, and states the theoretical-methodological aspects that a critical social worker must contemplate. Likewise, the theoretical-referential route is established through which critical practice is introduced in anti-oppressive social work full with anti-racist references. Also, it discuses its relevance for professional work in the Latin American region, and the importance of the politic Revista Trabajo Social unam cal field to materialize the antiopressive strategy. It concludes with the need for a critical anti-oppressiveapproach, not only for the professional practice of the social worker, but for the emancipation of Latin American societies that live in conditions of inequality.

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How to Cite
Cornejo Pérez, A. F. . (2024). Trabajo social crítico antiopresivo. Una aproximación teórica y metodológica. Trabajo Social UNAM, (29-30), 49–66. (Original work published April 1, 2022)

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