Elementos para la conceptualización de la ciberseguridad nacional

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Manuel Balcázar Villarreal


National cybersecurity is seen as a concept in permanent construction and a high degree of atomization with an asymmetric development between the four traditional fields of power. In this text, the most representative elements in each field of power are comprehensively evaluated. Likewise, a comprehensive definition is proposed in which traditional national security approaches are transferred to the cyber sphere under a global approach that allows the stewardship of the Nation-State, taking into account the characteristics that this concept may have in different countries.

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How to Cite
Balcázar Villarreal, M. (2023). Elementos para la conceptualización de la ciberseguridad nacional. Trabajo Social UNAM, (34), 30–44. https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2023.34.88025

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