Comportamientos de riesgo entre jóvenes

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Anayelli Gutiérrez Santos


To inquire about the possible causes triggering the involvement of young people in social conflicts is to delve into the characteristics of the interrelationships between individuals comprising the issue. Throughout this work, an analytical framework is proposed that enables us to comprehend the relationship between emotions anchored to the social structure and the characteristics defining power and status relations among young people. Drawing on the theoretical contributions of Theodore Kemper (2007) and J.M. Barbalet (2001) regarding power and status, these serve as reference points for the analysis in this study.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Santos, A. . (2024). Comportamientos de riesgo entre jóvenes. Trabajo Social UNAM, (34), 82–94. (Original work published September 1, 2023)

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