El codiseño de praxis instituyentes de nuevas subjetividades e indignación democrática

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Pedro Isnardo De la Cruz
Sharon G. Borja


The life span of contemporary societies shows us the birth of new subjects who embody instituting practices, that revitalize their lives, coexistence systems, anti-democratic actions and politics, via the construction of new horizons of consensus and life in common, and that they guide the renewal of development and possible well-being, despite the institutions and governments established.

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How to Cite
De la Cruz , P. I., & Borja, S. G. (2023). El codiseño de praxis instituyentes de nuevas subjetividades e indignación democrática. Trabajo Social UNAM, (34), 95–103. https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2023.34.88042

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