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Felix Méndez, Yuridia, Colabora con Estudios de Opinión y Participación Social, A. C.
Felix Méndez, Yuridia, Social Worker graduated from the ENTS, UNAM, with honorable mention. Over the past five years she has collaborated with Estudios de Opinión y Participación Social, A.C. (Opinion and Social Participation Studies, A.C.), designing, coordinating and implementing projects of intervention and investigation of youth
Félix Méndez, Yuridia, Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social
Fernández-García, Tomás, Profesor Titular de Trabajo Social en la UNED.
Fernández-García, Tomás, He is a full professor in Social Work at the UNED. He directs the Colección Politica Social y Servicios Sociales (Social Policy and Social Services Collection) at Alianza Editorial. He is under-director of the Revista comunitaria (Community Magazine), an advisor for the magazines Portularia, Trabajo Social Hoy and Temas para el Debate. He is at present an advisor for the program La Aventura del Saber of Spanish Television.
Flores, Valeria
Flores Celis, Karla, Secretaría de Salud.
Flores Gutiérrez, Ignacio Carlos, Hospital Infantil de México
Flynn, Michael A., Científico social en NIOSH
Flynn, Michael A., Flynn is a Social Scientist with NIOSH where he serves as the project officer for a research program to improve the occupational health of immigrant workers. He is the Assistant Coordinator for the Health Disparities Program and a member of the Ventanillas de Salud National Advisory Committee. He has a Master’s degree in anthropology from the University of Cincinnati and is a Research Fellow of the Consortium for Multicultural Psychology Research at Michigan State University.
Fuentes, Mario Luis, Facultad de Economía
Fuentes, Mario Luis, Facultad de Economía, UNAM

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