La Cámara Israelita de Industria y Comercio de México y su inserción a la economía nacional

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David Placencia


Mexico has been accepted as a multicultural and pluriethnic country, because it is made up of different ethnic groups, they have brought their cultural representations to shape our national identity, a minority who inhabit our country is the Jewish community, its members immigrated mainly during the first half of the twentieth century, it became part of the economy, likewise, their synagogues are part of the architectural complex of religious buildings. By immigrating showed a large comercial competition and developed the textile industry, so they moved to other groups that controlled that bouquet, consequently competition began to attack and forced to join the Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce, which helped them in multiple activities.


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How to Cite
Placencia, D. (2016). La Cámara Israelita de Industria y Comercio de México y su inserción a la economía nacional. HistoriAgenda, (30). Retrieved from

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Author Biography

David Placencia, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades(CCH) Azcapotzalco

Licenciado en Historia y maestro en Economía Financiera. Obtuvo la medalla “Alfonso Caso” en 1999. Tiene diversas publicaciones sobre la cultura judía en México, archivos históricos y sobre la crisis del modelo neoliberal. Es profesor del CCH Azcapotzalco y de la FES Aragón.