Necesario hablar de las mexicanas y la cultura de la sumisión a nuestras alumnas y alumnos

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Dessire Cuesta Flores


This is a reflection and an invitation for teachers of the College of Sciences and Humanities Rescuing the International Women’s Day to teach our students about their rights, so we must talk about the culture that still continues to subject women and is very present in society, for it is important to take the literature that has been written in Mexico, it is useful for students to identify the features of the culture of submission of women clearly manifested in the belief that we as mexicans.



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How to Cite
Cuesta Flores, D. (2018). Necesario hablar de las mexicanas y la cultura de la sumisión a nuestras alumnas y alumnos. HistoriAgenda, 3(33), 13–20. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Dessire Cuesta Flores, Univeridad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, planteles Naucalpan y Vallejo

Profesora del CCH Naucalpan y Vallejo, imparte las materias de Historia de México e Historia Universal Moderna y Contemporánea, con 10 años de antigüedad. Pasante de la Maestría en Estudios Latino Americanos UNAM.