Los Hilos de la Historia femenina

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Valeria Gallo López de Lara


The subordination of women to men, their submission, their apparent lesser value, have been evident since the beginning of humanity. They have never existed any biological or physiological reasons for such subordination, but it is, so it has always been. Throughout history, women have struggled to occupy a place not below or above men, but to their side. They have fought to win the rights that were denied to them. Embroidery, knitting, sewing, are tasks that were assigned to women by having features that suited very well to confinement, to femininity, a delicacy. Early feminists rejected, logically, everything that had to do with these textile work, as it was related to their previous history of chastity, confinement and submission. But there has been a resurgence of the textile, and many women in different parts of the world, dissimilar cultures, in different fields, found in fabrics and threads, a powerful tool of expression. Whether in private or in public, these materials have empowered women and have given voice when most needed it.


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How to Cite
Gallo López de Lara, V. (2018). Los Hilos de la Historia femenina. HistoriAgenda, 3(33), 35–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/historiagenda/article/view/64609

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Author Biography

Valeria Gallo López de Lara, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Estudió diseño en la Escuela de Diseño del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Desde entonces, se vino definiendo lo que más adelante sería su perfil profesional: la animación, la creación de personajes y la ilustración, en mayor medida enfocada al público infantil. Ha colaborado con distintas editoriales en México, España y Brasil; tales como CIDCLI, Editorial Castillo, Edelvives, Santillana, Anaya, Edelbra y Ediciones SM. En el 2011, obtuvo el Primer lugar en el Catálogo de ilustradores de Publicaciones Infantiles y Juveniles de CONACULTA. Fue seleccionada en el IV Catálogo Iberoamericano de Ilustración en 2013. En el 2012 diseñó la imagen de la Filij 32, Feria Internacional de libros infantiles y juveniles. Actualmente cursa la maestría en diseño (FAD, UNAM)