The Church in New Spain

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David Placencia Bogarin


The armed Conquest was accompanied by the spiritual one of the conquered people, and this process was called evangelization; for the Spanish people, this was very important since the justification for the Conquest was that Catholicism was brought to the heretical people. The process was complicated because they met people who spoke different languages and did not have the slightest idea of the concept of sin. So, they had to carry out larger confessionals in different languages, so the confessions implied questioning what the indigenous people did. The church was settling in Mexico; for these different religious orders and representatives of the secular clergy that came, like any mentality, Catholicism was penetrating little by little, but it came to penetrate very deep.


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How to Cite
Placencia Bogarin, D. (2024). The Church in New Spain. HistoriAgenda, 4(46), 46–59. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

David Placencia Bogarin, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH), Plantel Azcapotzalco, FES Aragón

Licenciado en Historia y maestro en Economía Financiera. Es coordinador Técnico del Centro de Documentación e Investigación Judío de México. Obtuvo la medalla Alfonso Caso en 1999. Tiene diversas publicaciones sobre la cultura judía en México, archivos históricos y sobre la crisis del modelo neoliberal. Es profesor del plantel Azcapotzalco del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH) y de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Aragón de la UNAM.