HistoriAgenda and its First Indexing Steps

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Jesús Nolasco


In addition to being spaces for academic meetings of the communities, publications at school are also places from which they make their history. What could we understand about the history of the institutions and their members (and their readers) if we only read their publications? A lot. Therefore, it is worth looking at the editorial processes, who participated (or not) directly or indirectly in them, and the results obtained over time. This text tries to relate some passages of the indexing process of the HistoriAgenda magazine from the inside, that is, as head of the Institutional Communication Secretariat (SCI) of the CCH (2012-2014) and, from the outside, as a regular reader of the magazine from my Joining the CCH in 2007. The intention is to assess the role of the editorial collective.


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How to Cite
Nolasco, J. (2024). HistoriAgenda and its First Indexing Steps . HistoriAgenda, 4(47), 136–143. Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/historiagenda/article/view/88512

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Author Biography

Jesús Nolasco, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, Plantel Oriente

Es licenciado en Ciencias Políticas, maestro en Docencia para la Educación Media Superior en Ciencias Sociales (MADEMS-CS), y doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM. Desde el 2007 ha sido profesor del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, está adscrito al plantel Naucalpan en la asignatura de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.