A conference on interdisciplinary research and education in Latin America
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There is an increasing number of scientists who recognize that their research questions cannot be answered from a single discipline. “The best interdisciplinary science” comes from this recognition, since it allows recognizing the limitations of disciplinary approaches to address some research questions (Nature 2015; Repko, 2008; Repko et al. 2011). Several interdisciplinary studies have analyzed the difficulties of interdisciplinary entrepreneurship in academic settings (Bruce et al. 2004; Klein 1990; Bruun et al. 2005).
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Cómo citar
Repetto, L., & Corbacho, A. M. (2018). A conference on interdisciplinary research and education in Latin America. INTER DISCIPLINA, 5(13), 13–18. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/63144
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