As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The request has not been previously published nor been submitted to any other magazine (or an explanation has been provided in the section of Comments to the editor)
The file that has been sent is in Open office, Microsoft Word, RTF or Word Perfect format.
Whenever possible, web addresses have been inserted in references when they were needed.
The text has a simple line spacing, the Font size is 12 points, italics are used instead of underlined text (except for URL addresses), and all the illustrations, charts and figures are within the text in their rightful places and not at the end of the text.
The text meets the bibliographical standards indicated in the Guidelines for authors (Normas para autoras/es) that can be found in the section About the magazine
If you are sending material to a section of the magazine that will be subjected to peer review, you have to make sure that the instructions in the section have been adequately followed
Author Guidelines
The received texts shall be submitted to a dictamination process and should consider the following:
- The length of the articles must be from 5 to 10 pages (either for the Dossier or for each one of the sections: Murmullos Literarios; De política y cotidianeidad or Poiesis). They must be written in Word format, Arial Font 12 points, line spacing 1.5.
- If the text has any embedded images, these must be authorized or licenced, whether they be graphs, images, tables, photographs or maps.
- All texts must be unpublished and subjected to a double blind dictamination. In case of having two contradictory dictaminations, a third one will take place. The dictamination will take place in a period of no more than 30 days. Reception and revision of a text do not necessarily result in its publication.
- The articles must include an abstract and key words. Both must be written in English and in Spanish, including the heading of the text.
- Besides the file with the text that will be subject to a dictamination process, a second file with an email and a curricular synthesis of no more than five lines must be included.
- The sources of the textual references should be indicated in the APA system: the surname of the author, source publication year and page number where the quote was taken from. Example: Beuchot (2009:23).
- Bibliographical references will be written down at the end of the document in the following way: Beuchot, M (2009) La hermenéutica en la Edad Media. México: UNAM, IIF, 2009.
- Book reviews must range between 3 to 5 pages long and must be recent texts (at least three years should have passed since the publishing date of the book and of the present call). The Editorial Board will decide how suitable the text is for publication according to the topics of each magazine issue.
- All texts must be sent, in electronic format to the following email: Contact: PhD. Angel Alonso Salas, publisher of the magazine