“The word is the light of the blood” History and love in the thought of María Zambrano. A philosophy before the catastrophe

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Leonel Gómez Gordillo


Maria Zambrano’s first ten years of thinking are situated in the middle of a horizon of catastrophe due to war and spilled blood in the conflict; nevertheless, from that experience, angst or nihilism were not derived. However, a reconciliation of that experience
with an expression focused on the words that understood the meaning of history in a way according to the Spanish people’s tradition. In that tradition, heterogeneity and the world’s plurality are saved from the One Unique principle that subsumes them and the
death that arose those years. Zambrano’s option toward life nurtures from the Spanish artistic and literary tradition that modulates a promise of “hope for a better world.” So, the philosopher’s thinking against catastrophe understood the intimate: the wish, in
other words, the affirmation of existence’s singularity and dealing with the other, as a way of overcoming catastrophe.

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How to Cite
Gómez Gordillo, L. (2024). “The word is the light of the blood”: History and love in the thought of María Zambrano. A philosophy before the catastrophe. Murmullos Filosoficos, 3(5), 27–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/murmullos/article/view/88415

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Author Biography

Leonel Gómez Gordillo, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Actualmente cursa la maestría en Filosofía por la unam con el tema de investigación “La ontología de
la nihilidad y de la vacuidad en el pensamiento de Nishitani Keiji”. Ha laborado como docente en el
bachillerato y como ayudante de profesor en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL), ambos en la UNAM.
Es miembro del seminario Crisis del habitar y habitar originario en su relación con la tierra (PAPIIT IN406420) y del Proyecto Interno de Investigación ( PIFFyL) Ontologías intersticiales, ambos son coordinados por la doctora Rebeca Maldonado.