From the tragic feeling of life to the plenitude of plenitudes in the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno

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Viviana Paéz Ochoa


Miguel de Unamuno is a Spanish philosopher who has wondered about human existence and the meaning of life. From a very young age, he understood that life, being, and the consciousness of existence are constantly threatened by death, non-being, and nonexistence. All of this causes human beings with sad feelings, sadness, and agony. The agony that keeps us in a constant struggle between being and non-being does not disappear; it becomes an immortal yearning for immortality but finds a little comfort in the plenitude of plenitudes all plenitudes.

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How to Cite
Paéz Ochoa, V. (2024). From the tragic feeling of life to the plenitude of plenitudes in the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno. Murmullos Filosoficos, 3(5), 42–52. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Viviana Paéz Ochoa, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Licenciada en Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL) de la UNAM, tiene estudios de maestría en
Filosofía de la Religión por la misma institución. Es profesora adscrita al Colegio de Ciencias
y Humanidades (CCH) plantel Oriente desde hace cinco años. Es integrante del Seminario
central de filosofía del Colegio. Ha acreditado diplomados sobre género, feminismo y asesoría
educativa. Ha impartido cursos, dictado conferencia, ponencia y charlas sobre diversos temas a
profesores y alumnos