Self-care and education

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Javier Sánchez de la Cruz


This writing reviews Foucault’s analysis of self-care as a significant category of the ancient Hellenistic schools and its possible relationship with education. The care itself was focused on promoting autonomous and creative subjects, which was achieved with
the advice of a teacher. Among self-care practices, dialogue and writing were included as exercises that helped the subject build his life project as a unique and original existence. Thus, it is the intention of this collaboration to reassess the pedagogical contribution of self-care.

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How to Cite
Sánchez de la Cruz, J. (2024). Self-care and education. Murmullos Filosoficos, 3(5), 53–64. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Javier Sánchez de la Cruz, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa
(UAM-I), maestro en Educación y Docencia por la Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana en línea (UTEL) y pasante de la maestría en Filosofía de la UNAM. Docente adscrito al Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH) plantel Vallejo con antigüedad de 20 años, imparte las asignaturas de Filosofía I y II y Temas Selectos de Filosofía I y II. Desde 2019, es profesor de carrera asociado “B” de medio tiempo.