It does matter what we name them: Genetically modified organism (GMO)? Transgenic organism?

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Lydia Ramírez Martínez


It is usual to find in different documents and forums both of a techno-scientific or productive-commercial nature, as well as legal, the indistinct use of the expressions “genetically modified organisms” (GMO) and “transgenic” interchangeably as if both terms had the same meaning. Even when they share similarities, they also present significant contrasts, essential to clarify. One way to distinguish one concept from another is by relating notions and processes of biological evolution, natural and artificial selection, and
the use and applications of biotechnologies. This text reflects on the need for and importance of naming them correctly, underlining that those protocols are designed, assigned, and used for research, experimentation, production, commercialization, authorization,
and registration of patents based on these concepts.
So is the implementation of normative, legal, sectoral, institutional, programmatic, planning instruments, or public policies. Under this wide margin of use and application, the possible health, environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural effects and risks
are also considered and with the obvious bioethical connotations.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Martínez, L. (2024). It does matter what we name them: Genetically modified organism (GMO)? Transgenic organism?. Murmullos Filosoficos, 3(5), 81–96. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Lydia Ramírez Martínez, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Maestra en Ciencias Biológicas (biología ambiental) por la UNAM; cuenta con un diploma
en Bioética. Ha participado en diferentes instituciones públicas y consultorías como especialista en
temáticas ambientales. Ha sido expositora, ponente y facilitadora en cursos, talleres y diplomados para diversos públicos y niveles. Autora del capítulo “Pérdida de la biodiversidad y seguridad alimentaria”, en el libro Sociedad global, crisis ambiental y sistemas socioecológicos. Es docente de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM.