Wittgenstein, cinema and immediate experience

Main Article Content

Felipe de Jesús Arámbula Ibáñez


In principle, the relationship between Wittgenstein and cinema does not seem the most direct. This is because his thought is canonically linked to topics such as language or logic. When the literature analyzes his interest in the arts, it has been privileged to talk about literature, music, or architecture, almost entirely omitting his reflections about cinema. For this reason, in the following article, we propose to expose Wittgenstein’s remarks regarding cinema, located in the intermediate stage of his philosophical work. During this period, Wittgenstein showed great interest in the problem of immediate experience and the linguistic-conceptual means we have to try to represent it in the most reliable way possible, what he called phenomenological
language. Within this problem, Wittgenstein uses cinema to clarify conceptual differences between physical time and memory time or phenomenological time. The Viennese philosopher proposes that physical time is analogous to the film strip projected in a movie theater, while memory time is analogous to the images projected on the screen. Our article is divided into three parts: in the first, we show state of the art regarding film studies and Wittgenstein; in the second section, we develop the
problem of direct experience and phenomenological language since this problem is the base that sustains the observations on cinema elaborated by Wittgenstein; and in the last part, we expose some reflections of Wittgenstein on the cinema, in particular those that refer to time.

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How to Cite
Arámbula Ibáñez, F. de J. . (2024). Wittgenstein, cinema and immediate experience. Murmullos Filosoficos, 3(6), 7–23. Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/murmullos/article/view/88430

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Author Biography

Felipe de Jesús Arámbula Ibáñez, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Es licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Autónoma Metropoilitana (UAM), Unidad
Xochimilco, y maestro en Ciencias del Lenguaje y en Filosofía por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla (buap). Actualmente, cursa el doctorado en Filosofía Contemporánea en la misma universidad. Es profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la BUAP y del Departamento de Artes, Humanidades e Historia del Arte de la Universidad de las Américas de Puebla (UDLAP). Miembro del Seminario de Estudios Cinematográficos (SEC) de la BUAP y del Centro de Estudios Filosófico-Culturales (CEFC).