Determining the word as unit in Yucatec Mayan language

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Martín Sobrino Gómez


This paper presents an examination of the theory of the word and lexicon as proposed in Lara (2004), and developed in Lara (2006). This theory shall be subjected to empirical verification since its criteria and methods will be applied to Yucatec Maya in order to determine the word as a linguistic unit in this language. First, the arguments of the autor about why a theory of the word is necessary are exposed, including a summary of the theory and its methods. Subsequently, criteria for determinig this linguistic unit will be applied to Yucatec Maya, according to the suggested methods of the theory. I consider this work to be a first approximation in determining this unit of analysis for this language.


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How to Cite
Sobrino Gómez, M. (2022). Determining the word as unit in Yucatec Mayan language. Peninsula, 18(1).

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Author Biography

Martín Sobrino Gómez

Programa de Becas Posdoctorales de la unam, becario del Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales


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