The emotional value of eating behavior

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Raquel del Socorro Guillén Riebeling


For the individual as well as for social groups, emotions give food the orientation on its choice regardless of nutritional properties, divisions and other categories, based on the social learning model obtained from the family and other social groups throughout. development length. Culture also guides the acceptance or rejection of food according to the value attributed to it. The conjunction of these disciplinary approaches highlights the importance of food education in the childhood of the individual, the emotions and the values involved. The present study was to review eating behavior from the act of eating, values and emotions that distinguish food preferences. Factors influencing the health condition of the social group and individuals, as well as consumption predilections.


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How to Cite
Guillén Riebeling, R. del S. (2022). The emotional value of eating behavior. Psic-Obesidad, 11(42).

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