Tiempo, memoria e identidad

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Rafael Farfán H


Time as a category has been frequently thought as a legitimate philosophy monopoly. This article opposes to this evidence and argues that since the middle of the last century, time has acquired a category that names both a disciplinary field and a present day social science theoretical one. To support this, it spends time proving the social relevance of time in its connection with memory and identity. The “hypothesis” proposed to be based, bears that between time, memory and identity there are interdependent links permitting a semantic chain giving birth to a sense small universe. This justifies the expositive method that follows the article and permits two conceptual pairs taking memory as a collected core (emerging “time-memory” and “memory-identity”). The paper concludes with a social empiric work proposal arising from the social scientist as a “memory ethnograph.”

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How to Cite
Farfán H, R. (2009). Tiempo, memoria e identidad. Acta Sociológica, (49), 197–216. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484938e.2009.49.18711

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