Narratives and subjects

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Leonor Arfuch


So called “subject recurrence” plays and important role in contemporaneous subjectivity reconfiguration, not only in the mediate horizon, but also regarding academicals research and artistic experimentation. Different voices, reveling biographical traces, personality features or oneself experience prints populate the most diverse significant spaces, not only within canonical genres (biographies, autobiographies, life stories, memories) also in the “subjective documentaries” “reality fictions” or traumatic memory testimonies. Regarding the last Argentinean dictatorship (1976-1983) there is an autobiographical narrative proliferation, testimonies and documentaries. Among them it stands captive women’s stories inside concentration camps. We have chosen three samples regarding this subject, interfered by gender experience: a doctoral thesis written in exile, a five survived women dialogue published as a book and a novel with a sort of “autobiographical” pretension, whose author was outside the camp. Our goal is to show, form a semiotic cultural perspective, the ethic, esthetic and political differences that emerge from each peculiar enunciatively voice construction, related to each one of the discursive genders involved.

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How to Cite
Arfuch, L. (2010). Narratives and subjects. Acta Sociológica, (53), 19–41.

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