The Canadian mineable pattern: institutionalized plundering and impunity

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William Sacher


In this article, we describe Canada as a mineable power. At a domestic level, laws controlling this activity are extremely permissive and political authorities provide multiplej supports to this field. For this reason, we determine the Canadian Miner-State jurisdiction, in other words, a State permitting a mineable oligarchy enrichment placing the state machine at its service.

Canada, an international mineable leader, is searching to spread its own pattern beyond its frontiers. At the Toronto Stock Market, hundreds of multinationals find the ideal platform to monitor mining projects carried out around the World. A great number of these projects cause large-scale socio economic impacts with impunity. These multinationals have the political, financial and moral support held by a section of the Canadian government. For all these reasons, we consider Canada a real judicial paradise regarding mineable enterprises.

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How to Cite
Sacher, W. (2011). The Canadian mineable pattern: institutionalized plundering and impunity. Acta Sociológica, 1(54), 49–67.

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