Mexican electric sector: new spaces for transnational corporations?

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Rosío Vargas


Proposals to generate changes in specific directions within the Mexican electricity sector come from the business elites of the developed nations converging with national oligarchies. Under different names and initiatives, national elites associated mainly to Americans, turn their demands to the Executive and / or the Legislative branch who translates them into policies or laws with desnacionalizantes and increasingly foreignizing characteristics.

The changes in the structure of electricity generation in favor of prívate initiative, not only are very costly for the CFE due to stopped generating capacity and dismantling trough the “Retiros” program, but because the cost of electricity to private producers who uses natural gas, an expensive fuel that must be imported. The generation from wind will also involve establishing a fee in order to make them competitive vis a vis other forms of conventional energy. No doubt the cost will be transferred to the consumer without a real energy transition policy.

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How to Cite
Vargas, R. (2011). Mexican electric sector: new spaces for transnational corporations?. Acta Sociológica, 1(54), 119–139.

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