The arc of experiences of adolescence Dodge, stratagem, entanglements, shell and flashes

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Marc Breviglieri


When teenagers have left childhood behind they face a set of tests in public. So the space between the recreational regions of childhood and the public sphere becomes a matter of interest.  To put it into question allows looking at the dynamic equilibrium to which an individual can or cannot come due to largely her/ his way of entering such a space world, this being the zone between the place of the recreational regions associated with the familiar world to which teenager stays attached and the general dimension of the public sphere where she/he tens to make efforts of asserting herself. So crossing the border between the familiar world and the public sphere draws an arc of experience remarkable by its diversity: evasive, stratagem, confusion, shell, and sparkle… So fallibility and the progress consolidation of self become the productive space of comprehension of the one’s idea of adolescence.

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How to Cite
Breviglieri, M. (2011). The arc of experiences of adolescence Dodge, stratagem, entanglements, shell and flashes. Acta Sociológica, (55), 13–25.

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Author Biography

Marc Breviglieri, Alta Escuela especializada de Suiza Occidental (HES-so)

Doctor en Sociología por la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales de Paris, profesor de la Alta Escuela especializada de Suiza Occidental (HES-so). Miembro del Grupo de Sociología Política y Moral (GSPM-EHESS).

Sus trabajos se han centrado en el tema del habitar (la casa-ciudad-mundo), sobre los saberes prácticos (en los registros de los cuidados del otro y de las actividades técnicas) y sobre las heridas morales infligidas por el desplazamiento migratorio.


Líneas de investigación: Sociología del habitar, de la pertenencia y de la hospitalidad. Memoria de ciudades, Dimensiones identitarias y  morales de la migración.