Gilbert Durand and the Archetypology Method

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Francisco Castro Merrifield


Gilbert Durand was known in 1960 by his work Anthropological structures of the imaginary, a relentless erudite text which sought build a system in which the imaginary is established as the area which constitutes the human conscience and their various languages, both individual and collectively​​. According to Durand any dealing with reality refers to the archetypal imagery as its fundamental, and they are the main basis from where it should be possible to reconstruct the discourse of Human Sciences stressing the establishment of oppositions and familiarity that belongs to culture and its products. Durand questions the rationalist tradition of modernity that reduced the knowledge to the mathematical sign and proposes a model for restoration of the symbol as an integral element of social construction.

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How to Cite
Castro Merrifield, F. (2012). Gilbert Durand and the Archetypology Method. Acta Sociológica, 1(57), 51–64.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Francisco Castro Merrifield, Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de México

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Iberoamericana, Coordinador dela licenciatura en Filosofía y profesor-investigador de tiempo completo en laUniversidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de México.