So that silence does not become the rudder: Izkor Bijer or Holocaust memorial books

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Adina Cimet Ralsky


This essay is an analysis of a sample of memorial books of Jewish survivorsfrom the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. With their persisting appearancethey have perpetuated the memory of the historical trauma of the group.The persistence of the texts is suggestive. From the cumulative analysis ofthis literature, we get narratives that re-focus on the ethical-philosophicalperspectives that the political world lost. These historical sources are innovative in their contribution as material from which to build what is todaydesignated as the “cultural restitution” of and for the victimized group.

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How to Cite
Cimet Ralsky, A. (2012). So that silence does not become the rudder: Izkor Bijer or Holocaust memorial books. Acta Sociológica, (58), 91–113.

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Author Biography

Adina Cimet Ralsky

Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), con Maestría y Doctorado por la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York. Es un miembro de los Consejos Consultivos en el Programa de Estudios Judaicos de la Universidad de Drexel en Philadelphia, Actualmente adscrita al YIVO – Bard College en New York.

Líneas de Investigación: minorías étnicas, leguajes, violencia cultural.

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