De-differentiation as a result of the functional differentiation of the society in Luhmann´s theory

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Javier Leonardo Torres Nafarrate


Everyone knows that Luhmann’s theory of modern society is a theory of a functionally differentiated social order. To talk about modernity is to talk about fully separated communication social orders: it is meant that politics is attracted more and more by politics, that law is attracted by law, art is attracted by art, and science by science. Nevertheless, this social order is unlikely because it requires an enormous amount of assumptions which are always at stake. Due to this improbability a differentiated social order is always followed (in some regions) by de-differentiation processes. The “peripheries of modernity” are characterized by maintaining essential de-differentiated communication fields.

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How to Cite
Torres Nafarrate, J. L. (2012). De-differentiation as a result of the functional differentiation of the society in Luhmann´s theory. Acta Sociológica, (59), 55–75.

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Author Biography

Javier Leonardo Torres Nafarrate

Doctor en sociología de la educación, por la Universidad Johann Wolfgang Goethe, de Alemania. Licenciado en Literatura por el Instituto de Literatura, Puente Grande, Jalisco; Licenciado en Filosofía por el Instituto Libre de Filosofía A.C. Profesor de tiempo completo Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), Nivel III.
Líneas de investigación: Teoría de la Sociedad
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