Fundamental postulates of Anthony Giddens’ reflexive modernity theory

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Alfredo Andrade Carreño


The purpose of this scholarly monograph is to introduce students of sociology and other social sciences to the theoretical postulates of Anthony Giddens about reflexivity and its relation to the radicalized modernity. For this purpose –attending space limitations–, I first layout the background that underlies his analysis of the transformations of contemporary society with reference to the theory of structuration. Secondly, I address the analysis of modernity made by the author, its reflexive condition and his thesis on the radicalization of the social process. Thirdly, I present some of the main themes that give continuity to his research program. In order to enrich this monograph I have included a selected bibliography of related issues and theoretical debates on the Giddens’ concepts and approaches.

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How to Cite
Andrade Carreño, A. (2015). Fundamental postulates of Anthony Giddens’ reflexive modernity theory. Acta Sociológica, (67).

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Author Biography

Alfredo Andrade Carreño, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México