The technical contract

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Jaime Fisher y Salazar


Reflection on science ad technology leads to moral and political themes: to scientific and technological development there must be added, conditions, results, costs and benefits with an asymmetric distribution between individuals, regions and nations that impact social justice conditions and individual liberty. Not being new in history, this result, particularly pro-blematic, and demanding a specific attention regarding science and technology from a political philosophy’s point of view, shaping a science and technology political philosophy. During the last century, a fertile term was coined where this reflection seems possibly anchored: a new social contract for science and technology, the same that appears as one of the central concepts to be cleared within philosophic thinking regarding this theme and as a theorical and practical aspect fundamental in CTS studies trend.

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How to Cite
Fisher y Salazar, J. (2010). The technical contract. Acta Sociológica, (51), 39–57.

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Author Biography

Jaime Fisher y Salazar, Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Veracruzana