The desire of meseaure everything. Critique of calculating reason from Leopoldo Marechal’s thought

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Mariano Martín


During the years 1955-1965 the Argentinian writer Leopoldo Marechal wrote several works that showed a deep concern for the contemporary technique and science. Marechal thought that science and technique of Modern Age are the product of one particular rationality, known as “calculating reason”. This paper aims to analyze main characters of Marechal’s critique to this kind of rationality.

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How to Cite
Martín, M. (2015). The desire of meseaure everything. Critique of calculating reason from Leopoldo Marechal’s thought. Acta Sociológica, (68).

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Author Biography

Mariano Martín, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Becario doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Líneas de investigación: Filosofía política, ética, filosofía práctica, filosofía de la técnica.