Social norms and poverty tresholds

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Miguel Calderón Chelius


Any measurement of poverty must specify a threshold and what this represents. Is it possible to avoid arbitrariness in the determination of these thresholds? Or are they totally subjective and depend on the observer’s values, prejudices and preferences? Or is poverty a real condition that causes suffering and exclusion from full participation in social life? This article argues that the meaning of adequate satisfaction of human needs is determined by social norms reflecting what society considers the minimum wellbeing to which all members should access. It proposes a methodology to identify these norms and emphasizes the process of their social structuring.

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How to Cite
Calderón Chelius, M. (2016). Social norms and poverty tresholds. Acta Sociológica, (70), 73–98.

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Author Biography

Miguel Calderón Chelius, El Colegio de México

Doctor en Ciencia Social con especialidad en Sociología, El Colegio de México. Líneas de investigación: Canastas de satisfactores, derecho humano a la alimentación, pobreza, desigualdad y funcionamiento democrático, medición de la pobreza y la desigualdad, salario y niveles de vida. Correo electrónico: