The production of territory as a political process. Remarks on the spatial dimension of power within the State

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Eugenio Pérez Certucha


In the present article I shall discuss the spatial dimension of power, particularly in the State as a political organisation, and in a more specific sense, in the territorialisation of the Mexican State in Chiapas based on the construction of the hydroelectric dams’ system all along the Grijalva River. For the presentation of this text I will conceptualise schematically the State and the territorialisation with the aim of knowing how does the State territorialises, and I will finally discuss how does effectively the State territorialises and displays itself in the space.

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How to Cite
Pérez Certucha, E. (2017). The production of territory as a political process. Remarks on the spatial dimension of power within the State. Acta Sociológica, (73), 247–271.

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Author Biography

Eugenio Pérez Certucha, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales- Centro de Estudios Sociológicos

Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública. Líneas de investigación: Política y medio ambiente, política del agua, política del agua en México, impacto ambiental, el Estado y el territorio, la política y el espacio, sociología ambiental. Correo electrónico: