The academic field of disability: the bids for the sense node

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Patricia Brogna


We understand the academic field of disability as the positions that within university spaces and higher education −push to impose or resist not only discourses and practices but the very meaning of the field. This space of relationships between contextualized and situated positions can be redefined as a subfield that demands the analysis and interpretation of its influences, dynamics and trajectories; of its hegemonies, colonizations and vacancies; of its emergencies, ruptures and continuities; of their alliances, affiliations, motherings and brotherhoods; and, especially, of its becoming and functioning in relation to the political field or in other subfields such as the academic space of disability in Latin America. This article presents a possible historical interpretation among many others, about "how we got here", "what is here" and −in front of the social sciences that have scarcely looked towards disability− to ask ourselves if the meaning that condenses on disability in the Mexican academy, it responds or at least considers the problems and priorities of the population with disabilities, politicizing their bare life

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How to Cite
Brogna, P. (2020). The academic field of disability: the bids for the sense node. Acta Sociológica, (80), 25–48.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Patricia Brogna, Profesora asociada "C", "TC", FCPyS-UNAM y coordinadora del Programa Universitario de Derechos Humanos de la UNAM.

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la UNAM.