The history of Sociology: A violet tale

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Selene Aldana Santana


For generations, sociologists have been passed on a highly masculinized disciplinary canon because all recognized founding figures are male, to the point of speaking of “the founding fathers”, who have written on subjects, considered “male” by themost critical or “universal” by the most naive, who do not go through the specific problems of women’s life experience. However, the recent growth of feminist movements has provided conditions for studies that confirm the presence of women in thefounding intellectual circles of Sociology, but which were erased in the course ofwriting the history of the discipline in which a specific selection of the classics was established as hegemonic. So there are more and more elements to raise the possibility of a feminist reconstruction of the classics of Sociology and the history of the discipline. This article explores the fundamentals, potential and implications of such an approach

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How to Cite
Aldana Santana, S. (2020). The history of Sociology: A violet tale. Acta Sociológica, (81), 59–95.

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Author Biography

Selene Aldana Santana, Profesora de Carrera Asociada “C” T.C., FCPyS UNAM.

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la UNAM