Marianne Schnitger and 1970s radical feminism: contributions to Sociology on public and private spheres

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Selene Aldana Santana
Itzuri Moreno Espinosa
Katya Melisa Vázquez Villanueva


Classical sociology is permeated by liberal biases that make the analytical focus center exclusively on the public sphere and relegate the private one to a black box full of  mysteries which are not a matter of sociological analysis. This entails the absence of a diagnosis of the private sphere and, therefore, explanatory shortcomings about relations in modern society. This is why we propose an approach tofeminist thought, which has always been mindful of questioning the public/privatedivide and has centered its attention on themes within the frame of the private sphere.Specifically, we are proposing, on one hand, to recover the feminist sociology ofMarianne Schnitger, a contemporary of Weber and Simmel, and on the other, the radical feminists of the 1970s, Kate Millet y Shulamith Firestone, among which it is possible to establish fruitful dialogues

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How to Cite
Aldana Santana, S., Moreno Espinosa, I., & Vázquez Villanueva, K. M. (2020). Marianne Schnitger and 1970s radical feminism: contributions to Sociology on public and private spheres. Acta Sociológica, (81), 197–223.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Selene Aldana Santana, Profesora de Carrera Asociada “C” T.C., FCPyS-UNAM.

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la UNAM

Itzuri Moreno Espinosa, FCPyS-UNAM

Estudiante de licenciatura en Sociología UNAM

Katya Melisa Vázquez Villanueva, FCPyS-UNAM

Estudiante de licenciatura en Sociología UNAM