Florestan Fernandes and “dependent capitalism”

Main Article Content

Maros Del Roio


This article to present a contribution by the Brazilian sociologist Florestan Fernandes in the scope of the dependency theory produced when he was in exile in North America. There are three essays presented at scientific meetings in the field of Sociology that address the general theme of “dependent capitalism”, with different approaches and that were published in Brazil, in 1973, in book format with the title of dependent capitalism and social classes in America Latin. The first deals with the patterns of external domination exercised over Latin America; the second tries to present the nature of “dependent capitalism” and its relation to the constitution of social classes; the third talks about the insertion of the sociologist in the context of “dependent capitalism”. The article exposes Florestan Fernandes’ ideas, interspersing some observations about the methodology used and the implications of the conclusions offered. At the end, a synthesis of the criticisms made to the elaboration of the Brazilian sociologist is presented, whose fulcrum is exactly the analytical limit of structural functionalism retouched with Max Weber’s categories, a theoretical-methodological conception that surrounds the reflection on political action aimed at the socialist revolution boldly defended by the author.

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How to Cite
Del Roio, M. (2023). Florestan Fernandes and “dependent capitalism”. Acta Sociológica, 91(91), 11–36. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484938e.2023.91.86972

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Author Biography

Maros Del Roio, la Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias y la International Gramsci Society.

  • Profesor Titular de Ciencia Política en la Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias.
  • Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la International Gramsci Society.
  • Presidente del Instituto Astrojildo Pereira, editor de la revista Novos Rumos.
  • Autor de Gramsci y la emancipación del subalterno, editor de UNESP.
  • Adscripción: Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias y la International Gramsci Society.