Observations on the changes of Argentina’s last 20 years of accumulation model: economic policies adjustments and changes in the establishment

Main Article Content

Juan Fal


This article analyzes the fissures, continuities, model of accumulation and the establishment of the1990 and 2000 decades. The goal is to understand the effects of political and economic issuesduring the last twenty years not as separated issues, but rather as integral parts capital reproduction.It analyzes the main parts of economic policy, particularly the 2002 devaluation crisis, the unfairstandardization of debts and deposits, the country’s inability to pay its debt, export withholdingsand the bailout of the financial system. Later, it examines the main components of Argentina’sindustrial growth, employment and the working class. Also, it looks into the winners and losersinside the establishment. Finally, it provides conclusions and opens to new questions on the issuesrelative to Argentina.


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How to Cite
Fal, J. (2014). Observations on the changes of Argentina’s last 20 years of accumulation model: economic policies adjustments and changes in the establishment. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (34), 51–73. https://doi.org/10.22201/cela.24484946e.2014.34.45931

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Author Biography

Juan Fal

Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maestro en Finanzas(con orientación en mercado de capitales) por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina. Doctorandoen Estudios Latinoamericanos en el Posgrado de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Profesor de Historia Económica y Social Mundial yLatinoamericana en la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina. E-mail: <juanpfal@gmail.com>.