Mexico: a culture of fear inside a war scenario

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María José Rodríguez Rejas


We study the effects of fear as a mechanism of social control in the midst of a lack of security andwithin the frames of a culture of war in Mexico today. This article addresses the issue of fear, itsreproduction and impacts, based on the following two foundations: a) forms of production anddissemination of fear among the population (changes in terms of relationship, language, symbolsand narrative we shape up), and b) the concepts of counterinsurgency expressed in the national andhemispheric security policies, particularly in the so-called “war against drugs”, which modifies ourculture and allows fear to have a central role.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Rejas, M. J. (2014). Mexico: a culture of fear inside a war scenario. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (34), 119–136.

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Author Biography

María José Rodríguez Rejas

Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Maestra en Gestióndel Desarrollo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Doctora en Estudios Latinoamericanospor la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Profesora-investigadora de la UniversidadAutónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) en la licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales (Antropologíasocial y Sociología). E-mail: <>.