Social movements, elites and political culture in Latin America

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Verónica de la Torre


This article examines the relation ship between political culture, counterculture social movements and political and economic elites in Latin America. During the last twenty five years, the collective action of the people has distanced itself from corporatist and clientelist practices by adopting ideasand discourses that are highly democratic. In the past, corporatism and clientelism broadly characterized most political regimes in Latin America. Countering elitist theories of democracy and of "transitology", this paper sustains that upper-class political practices are still far from being democratic.


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How to Cite
de la Torre, V. (2015). Social movements, elites and political culture in Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (35), 41–57.

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Author Biography

Verónica de la Torre, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, FCPyS-UNAM.

Maestra en Relaciones Internacionales, UNAM. Doctora por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, especialidad en Estudios Iberoamericanos (UCM). Actualmente realiza una estancia posdoctoral en el Posgrado de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM. Líneas de investigación: activismo político transnacional, movimientos sociales transnacionales, democracia y cultura política. E-mail: <>.