From Italy’s Petrogrado to Argentina’s Turin. Study of the Young Gramsci through the Past and Present Group

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Hernán Ouviña


This article discusses a first approach to Jose Maria Arico and the Past and Present Group’s perception on young Gramsci’s political thought and his political praxis. Arico’s insights should not be limited to his latest works in Argentina, when he unveiled his theoretical and political view focused on the context of a tragic “defeat” of the popular movements in the 1960s, and the retreat of Marxism as a collective action mobilization and a theoretical reference for change. Thus, this article intends to restore the “translations” and other works provided by Arico on Gramsci’s thought, particularly those that came out during a period in which there was an increase mass mobilization in Argentina under the “Cordobazo” (1969), and more specifically after the publication of the Pasado y Presente magazine in 1973.


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How to Cite
Ouviña, H. (2014). From Italy’s Petrogrado to Argentina’s Turin. Study of the Young Gramsci through the Past and Present Group. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (33), 45–65.

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Author Biography

Hernán Ouviña, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argemtina

Politólogo. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e investigador del Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: