Jose Aricó: Iteneraries of a new-leftist generation of Argentina’s second-half XX Century

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Juliana Cubides Martínez


This article is part of a collective project called Recent Latin American transformations on the State, Gramsci’s political sociology. These collections of Gramsci’s work, in its second face, proposed the compilation of the works and analysis of Latin American intellectuals, who utilized Gramsci’s theoretical and methodological principals to interpret the region’s reality. In the case of Argentina, this article looks into José María Aricó’s works, as he is a key leading intellectual on Gramsci’s thought, not only in Argentina but in Latin America.


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How to Cite
Cubides Martínez, J. (2013). Jose Aricó: Iteneraries of a new-leftist generation of Argentina’s second-half XX Century. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (32), 41–53.

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Author Biography

Juliana Cubides Martínez, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos; FCPyS-UNAM.

Estudiante del doctorado en Estudios Latinoamericanos, UNAM, México. E-mail: <>.