The Political Subject in Bolivia’s Contemporary Thought: Discussions on the Utopia

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Daniel Inclán


The Andean-Bolivian political subject, particularly the one that emerges after the indigenous movement, represents a social reality that retransforms political theory. It is unique because it reinvents the idea of resistance and social struggle, which relies on the political economy of identity. Both, a large and immediate struggle are intertwined to facilitate a world transformation. There is a utopian dimension within this subject that is something un seen. It begins with self-criticism and history. In this logic of political mobilization, it has been built a continual historical space, providing differences on demands, forms of expression, and mechanisms of struggle in the XX Century.The profound changes in Bolivia cannot be understood without looking at Women, an importan tfeature of the new subject. The feminist-indigenous movement played a major role transforming politics in Bolivia.


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How to Cite
Inclán, D. (2012). The Political Subject in Bolivia’s Contemporary Thought: Discussions on the Utopia. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1(30), 161–181.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Daniel Inclán

Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Estudioso de la historia de la constitución de sujetos modernos en América Latina, ha realizado trabajos sobre la Ciudad de México y Buenos Aires. Actualmente se dedica al estudio de la filosofía latinoamericana contemporánea. E-mail: <>.