Between empires and nationalism. Geopolitics of hydrocarbons Amazon

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Efraín León Hemández


This paper does an analysis of the geopolitical forces involved during the capitalist material appropriation -productive andin practice- in the Amazon oil resources. It focuses specifically on every country's territorial design and the region's collectivity. U.S. energy policies determine national and regional projects, and éllso subordinate theeconomic and technological developments in the Amazon region. This work highlights sorne contradictions arousing ftom local capital accumulation of capital.


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How to Cite
León Hemández, E. (2010). Between empires and nationalism. Geopolitics of hydrocarbons Amazon. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (25), 93–118.

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Author Biography

Efraín León Hemández, Maestro y doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la UNAM.

Geógrafo mexicano. Maestro y doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la UNAM. Becario del PROFlP. Correo electrónico: <>.