Guatemala : State and counterinsurgency

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Armando de Jesús Villatoro Pérez


The Armed Forces is a fundamental to the power structure. This work is sustained under the following premises. 1) From the counterrevolution of 1954 to 1986 most governments (in Guatemala) were led by military men. 2) Starting 1986, Guatemala has opened up to a new democratic order dominated by civilian governments. 3) The (power of the) military continues to be intact in the midst of low economic growth and social violence.


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How to Cite
Villatoro Pérez, A. de J. (2008). Guatemala : State and counterinsurgency. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (21), 127–146.

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Author Biography

Armando de Jesús Villatoro Pérez

Psicólogo, doctor en Sociología por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM.