United States : preventive war. Towards global crisis of hegemony or absolutism ?

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Erick García Pernett


The attacks against the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in September 11, 2001, affected the economic recession going on in the United States. This country had a strong economic growth in the 1990s. This article looks into the global geopolitics, which favor Washington. President George W. Bush's uses "terrorism" to justify the invasion in Afghanistan. It also provided good standing of the U.S. in Central Asia, especially over its natural resources of gas.


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How to Cite
García Pernett, E. (2005). United States : preventive war. Towards global crisis of hegemony or absolutism ?. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 115–143. https://doi.org/10.22201/cela.24484946e.2005.0.50370

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