Free trade and dollarization: a critical analysis of the theoretical conception of its defenders

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Paulo Nakatani
Luiz Jorge V. Pessoa de Mendoça


Many essays deal with the dollarization in Latin American countries and the development of a free trade for the Americas today. It is suggested frequently that such alternatives are related to the evolution of markets and they are good objectives. These essays look the dollarization as a positive alternative in macroeconomics. From a Marxist perspective, this article emphasizes the neoclassic methodological conceptions of these essays to demonstrate their inconsistencies between their prescription and the results.


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How to Cite
Nakatani, P., & Pessoa de Mendoça, L. J. V. (2005). Free trade and dollarization: a critical analysis of the theoretical conception of its defenders. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 145–164.

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