Globalization in the south. The appropriation of biodiversity resources in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

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Alfonso López Ramírez


The author analyzes the globalization process of biodiversity resources in the Mesoamerican region (Central America and Southern Mexico) through the Biological Corridor of Mesoamerica. In this project it is established a form of territorial planning to utilize biodiversity resources through a political-institutional regulation in the region, and within the constraints of an Agreement on Biological Diversity (CDB). This agreement is geared toward biodiversity appropriation. It is led by non-governmental organizations, international financial institutions, foreign agencies of cooperation and regional governments, from an increasing process of political privatization and the context of the State transformation.


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How to Cite
López Ramírez, A. (2005). Globalization in the south. The appropriation of biodiversity resources in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 165–182.

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